Saturday, January 30, 2010

Party Like A Ruck Star

It was a great first week back with the Greyhound BN; the final PT of our first week was a 4 mile ruck march. Love it or hate it, rucking is a part of life in the Army.

For all the technology we have at our disposal, sometimes the easiest and most effective way to get from point A to point B is to walk; so preparing our bodies now to haul a lot of weight a long distance is a recipe for success.

It was a very brisk 17 degrees as we stepped off, so moving fast was not only a better workout, but a means to keep warm.

**Top Left - From left to right - CDTs O'Sullivan, Williams, DeBernardo, and Woodworth finishing strong.

**Bottom Right - Because of his extraordinary good looks and ability to stop traffic with a wink and a smile, CDT Tom Fox was chosen to put his life on the line controlling traffic on a busy Charles Street so we could all safely cross.

Improv Group

Thursday's lab consisted of learning how to react to an improvised explosive device (IED). The lab was taught by CDTs Rajchel, Sacco, and Wright.

IEDs are a constant threat in both Iraq and Afghanistan and learning how to properly react is paramount for any Army leader.

The class consisted of three parts, two classes and a practical exercise. CDT Rajchel led the BN through a slideshow displaying the different types of IEDs, CDT Wright taught an overview of how to react if your element spots an IED, and CDT Sacco led everyone through a practical exercise combining everything learned in the previous two exercises.

It was a very relevant and educational lab that will certainly pay dividends for all.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bold in the Cold

The cold weather and early morning start were no match for a determined Greyhound BN. Even a 0600 report time and 29 degree weather couldn't keep spirits down as we conducted our first APFT of the semester.

Though only a diagnostic, everyone gave it their all in spite of the frigid conditions.

I will be sure to post the top scores when they become available. Great work all around today!

**UPDATE** Comments can now be made by anyone without the need to sign in. I hope this makes things easier.

(Pictured From Left to right - CDT Button, CDT Button's hand over an unidentified face, CDT Sacco, CDT Gabbard)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I heard there was a problem with the ability to post comments. I'm believe it's fixed so feel free to insert your funny, snide, insightful, or random commentary to the blog; however, please email me if you are still having problems.

*Top - Actual picture of Steve James leading a patrolling lane at LDAC.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Back to Work

After a long and well deserved break, the Greyhound BN is back in action. A freak typhoon apocalypse type storm kept our PT session indoors, but everyone returned bright and early at 0630 motivated and ready to work.

The OIC was CDT Nick Brinker, and the NCOIC, CDT Patrick Cook, facilitated the event. It was a light mix of push-up and sit-up improvement with the main focus of stretching our muscles in preparation for Wednesday's APFT.

*Top Right - CDT MacIntire knocks out some pushups
*Bottom Left - CDT Neely enjoys some good ol' flutterkicks

Sunday, January 24, 2010

We Have Lift Off

Welcome to the Greyhound Battalion Blog. The intention of this site is to shed some light into what we as cadets do on a daily basis. We have all tried to explain what we do to family and friends, but it's difficult to put it into words. My hopes are that this site will allow anyone interested to actively follow our training as we all prepare to become officers in the United States Army.

I will make my best effort to post something from every event; PTs, Labs, FTXs, etc, but at the minimum there will be atleast three new posts per week.

I hope this will serve as a resource for family and friends to further appreciate what we as cadets do; additionally, I believe it can serve as a recruiting tool for anyone interested in the program. What better way to get an idea of what goes on, that to have a daily log of past and future events. So please pass this site around to family members, friends, and anyone potentially interested in the program.

I'm looking forward to another great semester in the Greyhound Battalion, and am ready to get things started tomorrow.

Please feel free to comment or email me about any improvements or ideas for this site.

Best Regards,
CDT Allen Fountain